
A Web Site

A website that I am working on at Treehouse. There are fluid, adaptive, and responsive versions of this site. There is, also, an interactive version of this site. It includes a great form for getting info from your users. It includes both static and dynamic google maps.

See Demo

Image Gallery

This is a web application widget, for an Image Gallery.

See Demo

Dom Library

A small, extensible, library, for working with the DOM. I got the idea and ambition from a book that I was reading, about Javascript, by Cody Lindley. This code is a start. Something to say that I am getting the idea, about more, complex programming, with the DOM.

See Demo


This is a web application widget, for an Accordion user interface.

See Demo


This is a web application widget, for a Tabs user interface.

See Demo

A Web Application

This is a web application that I am working on at Treehouse. It is e-commerce and uses paypal as a payment solution. This would be an ideal application for the an online store with less than 20 items. It includes a website-form interaction. With this, the owner of the site could get info from/about her users, directly. The shopping cart takes a user to paypal to complete transactions, then redirects the user back to the application.

See Demo

Single Page Application

Something else I leaned about at Treehouse. This sample is of doing MV* in Javascript. It is a design pattern. Applications are full programs of Javascript. They have to be structured well. This sample I show how to organize a single page applcation with Backbone.

See Demo

Learn More

You can view my full developer/ designer profile at Code Academy. It gives a summary of the programming technologies that I know.